Virtue's Heaven

A game about Infinite Dogs, Radical Friends, and the End of History


Vale, Discible of Reason

Goal:Have a recurring character, who has completely bought into the Enlightened Monarch’s ideology, act as the player’s main antagonist.


(Before their second Fight)

"I really underestimated you."

"I did not expect that someone could be so desperate and violent, and try to destroy the only thing that is keeping humanity safe."

"But then again, there's a reason why you are stuck outside and are not part of this world's future."

"You are just too violent, too irrational to become human."

"But of course, you believe that this is all a grave injustice that is being done to you and your "friends"."

"Maybe once I've finally disposed of you, you will understand that you only ever had yourself to blame for your own situation."(Fight starts)

(After he lost)

"Try as you might, but you will never become Human!"